  • Replacement Razor Blades Stainless Steel

Replacement Razor Blades Stainless Steel

These stainless steel double edged replacement blades come in a pack of 5 and are entirely plastic free. Designed for use with any safety razor, no matter the style of the opening, the blades combined with the design of the safety razor help prevent ingrowing hairs as well as shaving rash. Another benefit of the traditional safety razor is the gap between the blade and the frame, allowing hairs to escape the head of the razor, rather than getting stuck like disposable heads. No matter what you're shaving, these highly durable double edged razor blades will leave your skin silky smooth and guilt free! Appropriate for all your shaving needs (men and women, head to toe). Treat yourself and your skin to a flawless shave every time. If you're wondering how you can kick-start a more conscious journey, this is one of the best drop-in points we can think of.

Pack of 5 blades

Plastic-free and recyclable

Origin: Egypt

  • £1.94
  • - 0%